Battery Alliance, tackling new energy and full power

The battery industry in our province is at home in the middle and upper levels. In 2009, a coalition of almost all battery companies and related universities and research institutes in the province, the provincial new battery industry technology innovation strategic alliance was born. Seven yea

How to buy HD network camera module

The network camera is a new generation camera that combines the traditional camera and network technology. It can transmit the image to the other end of the globe through the network, and the remote viewer does not need to use any professional software, as long as the standard web browser ( Su

LED advertising car introduction

With the advent of the multi-media era, the means of marketing are increasingly diversified, and even cars on the road are marked with a variety of advertising. Every day people walking on the road see these advertisements

When advertising and car

In today's era of rapid development of informatization and dataization, product advertisements are ubiquitous. From televisions to computers, from mobile phones to tablets, even in the streets and alleys, advertisements